Why the timecode starts from "01:00:00:00" and how to change it


Please tell me why the project is created so that the timecode starts from "01:00:00:00" and how to change it.



The start time of "01:00:00:00" is a remnant of the tape age.

Arguably, though tape recording is nearing its end, it remains a standard specification in the motion picture industry.

In the days when tapes were used, information about the video was put at the beginning of the tape when the main part started, and an operation called pre-roll was performed to remove the slack that affected the playback speed when playing the tape and to ensure stable playback. Also, if it suddenly becomes the main part, there may be a slight difference in the starting position depending on the playback device, which causes problems in later editing, etc. .

Also, while dealing with these problems, if you try to start the main part from "00:00:00:00", the time will change from "23:59:59:29" to "00:00:00:00". The concept of "-" (minus) is necessary for the process of changing the tape and counting the tapes, but since there is no such function, "01:00:00:00" is the reason for setting the main part to start. It is said

This is the ingenuity of our predecessors!

Because of this habit, it is still customary to start at "01:00:00:00".

In addition, the start time code differs depending on the industry, organization, and type of video, and when it comes to program creation, it seems that it will start at "10:00:00:00".

Modification method

There are three methods:

  • When changing the start timecode when creating a new timeline
  • When changing the start timecode of a created timeline
  • If you want to change the timeline that will be created in the future

When changing the start timecode when creating a new timeline

Right-click in the media pool and select [Timeline]-[Create New Timeline]

<Create> with Start Timecode set to anything

When changing the start timecode of a created timeline

Right-click the timeline to be changed in the "Media Pool" and select [Timeline]-[Set Start Timeline Code]

Set an arbitrary start timecode<OK>

If you want to change the timeline that will be created in the future

You can change the timelines you create in the future in the following ways:

Select [DaVinci Resolve]-[Preferences]

Change the "Start Timeline Code" in "New Timeline Settings" in "Edit" on the "User" tab and select <Save>.

The start timecode will change in the timelines created thereafter.

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