How to add a solid color or gradient clip and use it as a background


Can I add simple image clips such as solid colors or gradients?
For example, if you want to insert a black background image for 10 seconds each after the video you are creating, or if you want to use it as a background when moving the clip up, down, left, or right.


Solid color and gradient clips can be added within DaVinci Resolve.
Drag and drop the solid color or gradient clip added in the next step onto the timeline.

Here are the steps:

For cut pages

 Select "Effects" in the upper left, and select the "Generators" item in the "Generators" tab.

For edit page

 Select "Effects" in the upper left, then "Generator" item in "Generator"

Drag and drop "Single color" or "4 color gradation" to the timeline.

You can add simple image clips such as solid colors and gradients.

The color can be changed by selecting the placed “Single color” or “4 color gradation” clip and using “Generator” in the “Inspector” on the upper right.

If you want to create a 2-color gradation, select and adjust 2 colors each from the 4 colors that can be set in the "Generator" of the "4-color gradation" inspector.

The length of placed clips can be changed on the timeline in the same way as video clips.
If you want to use a still image such as a photo, you can use it by adding the photo file to the media pool, and you can place it on the timeline like a video file.

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