How to work while switching between multiple projects


Is there a way to work while switching between multiple projects? Reopening each time takes time. Also, it would be helpful if materials could be copied between projects.  


This is possible by opening multiple projects using the "Dynamic Project Switching" feature. By using the "project switching" function, it is possible to copy timelines, compound clips, and Fusion clips that could not be shared with the Power Bin between projects.

Procedure overview

  1. Enable "Dynamic Project Switching" in Project Manager.
  2. Opening Projects from the Project Manager Opened
    projects will remain open in the background until they are closed.
  3. Switch between projects with the project name dropdown at the top.
  4. (Afterwards, if necessary) Ctrl+C the clip or timeline to be copied on the media pool.
  5. Switch the destination project with the project name dropdown at the top
  6. "Ctrl+V" in the media pool of the destination project

How to enable "Dynamic Project Switching"

Right-click on an empty space in the project manager and select "Dynamic Project Switching" to enable it

How to switch with "Dynamic Project Switching"

open project A

Click the house icon in the bottom right to open the project manager

open project B

Project name dropdown above preview

Alternatively, switch to the copy source project with [File]-[Switch Project].

How to copy between projects

For the timeline on the media pool

Switch to the copy source project using the project name dropdown above the preview or [File]-[Switch Project].

Select a clip on the timeline and press "Ctr+C" or "Command+C"

Switch to the destination project using the project name dropdown above the preview or [File]-[Switch Project].

Select the paste destination and press "Ctr+V" or "Command+V"

Copying the timeline also copies the related material to the media pool.

For a specific clip on the timeline

Switch to the copy source project using the project name dropdown above the preview or [File]-[Switch Project].

Select a clip and press "Ctr+C" or "Command+C"

Switch to the destination project using the project name dropdown above the preview or [File]-[Switch Project].

Select the paste destination and press "Ctr+V" or "Command+V"

Materials used in clips are also copied to the media pool.

(Since the example is subtitles, they are not added to the media pool.)

How to close a project you no longer need

Close by selecting [File]-[Close Project].

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